6 Tips for Reducing Spam Complaints

Spam Complaints are spam complaints by which recipients of your e-mail indicate that they consider the e-mail to be unwanted.

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What are Spam Complaints?

Spam Complaints are notifications made by recipients when they perceive your e-mail to be spam. This is often done when they perceive your e-mail as spam and do not see a good other option to stop receiving e-mails.

What are the consequences of too many Spam Complaints?

The consequences of receiving too many spam complaints can become a major problem for the sender. In fact, it is one of the most important components that is measured for the reputation of your email domain.

The spam complaint rate is tracked and based on these results it is determined whether your future emails should be delivered to the inbox or spam. By receiving too many spam complaints, your emails will eventually all end up in the spam.

What is a good spam complaint rate?

A good spam complaint is as low as possible. This is because spam complaints indicate that the emails you send are perceived as spam. Therefore, you should aim for an average spam complaint rate of: <0,1%

If you are far above this then it is important that you stop sending e-mails and first look how you can improve this. You can use the tips below or contact me for advice.

Email Marketing

6 tips for improving your Spam Complaints

So how do I improve my number of spam complaints? Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to improve your spam complaints and keep them as low as possible. Here are 6 tips to improve your spam complaints.

1. Unsubscribe link

Make sure you have a clear unsubscribe link at the bottom of your email. Make it as easy as possible to unsubscribe via this link and make sure it actually works. Most people, if they can easily unsubscribe, will simply unsubscribe instead of filing a spam complaint.

A spam complaint can damage your reputation considerably, while a few unsubscribes will not. In fact, it may be that these people were simply no longer interested in your emails. A spam complaint, on the other hand, indicates that you are sending unwanted emails, and therefore has a much greater impact.

2. Don’t buy email lists

Unfortunately, I still have to say this often and I still sometimes get asked if it’s a good idea to buy an email list. The answer? No, absolutely not! By buying an email list you will ensure that all these people have not signed up and thus you will receive a lot of spam complaints. This will eventually cause all your emails to end up in spam, including all the people who did subscribe to your email list.

3. Keep mailing consistently

If you haven’t sent emails in a while and you want to start email marketing again, take it slow. Say your recipients haven’t gotten emails from you for 6 months, and then suddenly they get three emails a week. They may then have forgotten that they signed up for your list and start seeing your emails as spam.

If this is the case, first send a few emails with some time in between. In these emails, tell them that they are going to get more emails and remind them when they subscribed. This will cause these people to unsubscribe or be aware that they will receive more emails.


4. Keep your list clean

A good solution to prevent spam complaints is to keep your list clean. You can do this for example by filtering inactive contacts. If someone has not opened your e-mail 30 times, the chance that the 31st e-mail will be opened is very small. Then remove these contacts from your list.

Write these contacts off your list or set them to “inactive” before you start your daily or weekly mailings. This will ensure that your emails land better in the inbox and keep your list active. Moreover, this can also save on costs, as many e-mail marketing software charge a monthly fee per contact on your list.

5. Segment your list

Try creating some segments in your list to make your emails more relevant to the recipient. For example, if you have a pet store, create segments such as:

  • Has a: Dog
  • Has a: Cat
  • Has a: Rodent

Next, if you have an offer for cat food that you want to mail, you can only send it to the “Has a: Dog.”

This will make your emails more relevant and you will receive fewer spam complaints.

6. Personalize your emails

Personalization can have a positive effect on all your email marketing statistics, but it also prevents a lot of your spam complaints. For example, by using someone’s first name you can make an e-mail a lot more personal. In addition, to reduce spam complaints, you can also add how these people once subscribed:

“You are receiving this mail because you subscribed to our website on <date>. Don’t want to receive emails from us anymore? Then unsubscribe here! “

This will make people remember again that they actually subscribed and here they get the option to unsubscribe right away instead of submitting a spam complaint.